Bike riding!

We took a little foray to Target this afternoon to get the boy a bike. He has outgrown his cute little Diego tricycle and his also cute little Tot Rod electric car. Since Faith got a bike for her birthday, he needed something to drive on too.

I tried the "frugal" way--no luck on my mommy board, FOL or Craigslist. We even glanced as we drove by a few garage sales today (since bicycles can be easily sterilized). However, patience isn't exactly my strong suit, so we gave up around 3pm and headed to Target for a cute little two wheeler for him.

Got it home, put it together, only to discover that I could not figure out how to attach the handlebars. We had to wait for Shaun to come home and fix them. The kids took a little night bike ride instead!


  1. Cute photos, and it looks like they are really enjoying their bikes! I always seem to find them at yard sales or thrift stores when I'm not looking for them. What's up with that?

  2. Love it!!!! And NOOOOOO I don't drink when I get home from watching your kiddos!!!!!


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