Ultimate Blog Party

Ultimate Blog Party 2008

I found this on a board I often read (and infrequently post on) so I had to find out what it was.

UBP is basically a cool open house for your blog--share the URL with your readers, link it in your blog, introduce yourself, add yourself to the link list and browse the list for new fun reads. And even better, give & receive comments. And you all know I like comments!

So should you be reading this and not know me, this is my personal blog where I ramble on about my life as a suburban mom of two. Over in the side bar, there is a link to my bento blog. When you're done here, you should click on it, I find it fascinating. ;o)

Let's see, quick things about me. I have a thing for purses. And theater. And shopping. And good food. And travel. And good books. And shopping. Especially shopping. I used to be the cool mom with car seats in my convertible, but I kind of flipped it, so now I'm stuck with a Honda Pilot that screams mommy. I'm slowly coming to terms with it and counting down the days till the lease is up. However, besides the Pilot, I'm not giving in to the soccer mom image. I can drag the kids on a sightseeing tour of St. Petersburg with stops for potty-breaks and a cute playground outside the gorgeous cathedral I did not get to see. I can take my 5 year old to see musicals at a theater instead of cartoons at the movies. I can convince my 2 children that Japanese and Thai is a much better treat than fast food (really). And I can do it with a cute purse instead of a diaper bag. ;o)

Oh yes, prizes, did I mention there are prizes for participating in this? I love stuff like this!!! :o)
Since the main site said to pick your favorite 3, mine are:
#34 - Custom Tutu (can you not see Faith in this???)
#142 - Ballerina Hair Clip holder (it would match her room!!!)
#14 - Custom Wall Canvas (either kid really or my playroom!)
Other cool ones I love - Amazon gift cards (39, 60, 129, 140), book grab bag (100), the 12 bows (50) or the pink legos (103). Or pretty much anything else. It was hard to narrow it down to a few!

Anyhow, feel free to leave a comment, tomorrow's project is going to be checking out more of the blogs!


  1. Welcome to the party! Now that you're here, let's get this party started! There are so many new folks to meet. What a pleasure indeed!

    Peek in on us at GraceFULL Days & say hi before you go! Skip over the Vicks Caring Tributes & vote for my Gracie Cakes story as one of their finalists~ Thanks in advance. http://videos.vickscaringtributes.com/videos/index.html

    GraceFULL blessings to you & yours~


  2. hey, welcome to the party and hope you're having a blast. Do call me Ivan Girl and I'm from Manila, Philippines.

    I love your site. Wow! We almost have a lot of things in common. Pleased to meet you! Will definitely visit you again.

    Do stop by my blog and join me for the party... :)
    UBP 2008

    Have Fun!

  3. OH Wow! This is cool! I am going to join too! Whoo Hoo!

  4. Oh, neat...I'll definitely have to participate (just what I need, another thing to occupy my time on the computer, lol).

  5. Great party!! Come visit mine; I am giving away four; four ounce jars of african shea butter in different fragrances.


    Party on,

  6. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I also have a thing for purses....drives my husband crazy!

  7. Hello... it is nice to meet you... hope you are having a fun party... it is fun 'meeting' all these new people... party hearty, take care and don't be a stranger... an aussie in Florida

  8. Still hopping from blog to blog... my goal is to post at each blog at least once. Nice to meet you. Happy blogging!


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