Faith's American Girl Adventure

Today, Faith and I (and Benjamin and my coworker Sandra & her friend Taina) headed off to the American Girl store in Dallas. Faith has been on an AG kick lately and desperately wants a doll. Sandra collects them and needed gifts for her niece. The rest of us were just along for the ride.

The store is adorable and I swear Faith was in heaven from the moment she walked in. Minus the fact that I could buy *me* clothes for what some of the doll outfits cost, I really liked it as well. Faithie had to check out all the displays and books and we discussed how my dad could probably build her furniture instead of paying, oh, $65 for a little wooden table and chair.

However, that still left us the doll issue. I had originally told her that she could use the money that her grandfathers had given her for earning 100s toward a doll for herself. Daddy, who was on the phone while we were driving to the store, told her that he would pay half the price of a doll if she paid the other half. She decided on Samantha even though the Josefina doll kind of looks like her. As we were in line to check out, she pointed out that Nellie (Samantha's friend) is retiring at the end of the year too and she won't be able to get her later on.

I did remember that she had birthday money leftover from Auntie Carolyn & Grandma Carm, so I told her that if she wanted to use her $80, I would give her the last $20 for Nellie from me. She jumped on it. The store also had a special where you could get both dolls and their accessories for something like $205, so we made an executive decision and walked out of the store with Samantha, Nellie, and two hat boxes of accessories. She seems happy with her decision and at least we aren't stuck with the dolls as a Christmas gift (I knew she would not be happy once she saw what Ben would get if she chose to get the doll for her gift).

Faith takes in the store, check out the tree house behind her!!!

With her new Samantha doll

And back home with Samantha & Nellie


  1. Adorable! Samantha An American Girl Holiday is one of my favorite movies to watch at Christmas time.

  2. How precious...I read American Girl books...Samantha was my favorite :)

  3. AAW I LOVE American Girl dolls, I have Felicity and Kirsten from when I was little. I am sooo sad that Samantha and Nellie are retiring though. =-( I hope Faith really likes them!!! =-D

  4. What a deal! I feel like the only person on the face of the planet that doesn't really know about these dolls. Maybe I shouldn't ever have a girl. ;)


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