Things Ben Has Said Today, and it's only noon!

Faith is going to a sleepover birthday party tonight at a friend's house, so it will just be Ben & I (and Shaun) home.

Me: Ben, what do you want to do tonight while Faith is at her sleepover?
Ben: Have a family game night.
Me: OK, what should we play?
Ben: Poker!

OK ....

So I was snuggling him and suggesting what we can do.

Me: We can snuggle up in your bed and read books. We can have ice cream. Well, not in your bed.
Ben: Why not? Daddy eats in bed.
Me: No, he doesn't, we don't eat in the bedrooms.
Ben: Well, Daddy eats on the couch and he sleeps there.

And while we were getting dressed:

Me: Why don't you wear your orange skateboard shirt? It's clean and you look nice in orange.
Ben: OK, but can I have my skateboard?
Me: No, I put it away, you were skateboarding in my house.
Ben: No I wasn't! I was jumping on it to make it move. I don't know how to skateboard.


  1. Those are hysterical!!!

    (Following you from FFF on Mom Bloggers Club)

  2. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Hello from a new blog follower! Visiting from FFF @ MBC

  3. Hello! I'm following from FFF at MBC. Nice to meet you! Hope you get a chance to stop by for a visit!

  4. I am a new blog follower and visiting you from Friday Follow and FFF on Mom Bloggers Club. I look forward to reading more of your great blog! Have a wonderful weekend!


  5. CRACKING ME UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. He is too cute! I love how kids just blurt out their innocent observations! Stopping by from FFF at MBC.

  7. LOL!!

    Hi Shannon! Welcome to the FFF Club!
    Love your blog.


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