The kids are still having a great time with David the Elf. Every morning is a rush to find him, with the stipulation that the finder can't tell the other one where to look. This is especially imperative on weekend mornings where Ben is often up a couple of hours before Faith.
If you haven't seen our first Eight Easy Elf ideas, our elf has his own rules. The kids can touch him, he moves when he feels like it, and he doesn't make messes for me to clean up.
This week, David built a marshmallow snowman, borrowing a carrot piece from the fridge, some spare pretzel arms, and leftover black icing to decorate.
He set up his very own Scrabble game, but only using Christmas-related words!
On one of the days when the kids got home from school, David was hiding in the Christmas tree with a little treat for homework time, just for them.
On a Saturday morning, David dug out our cool Christmas pancake pan and asked for a special breakfast. We had lemon pancakes with a cheesecake spread on top.
On our one really cold morning, David found the hot chocolate, the hot chocolate cups, and candy canes to make it minty. How could we refuse?
David was exhausted from his weekend, so he borrowed a pillow and blanket I made for Faith's dolls and set up a bed on the kitchen table.
He also borrowed Faith's American Girl doll desk and left the kids a note to have a good day at school.
When he was feeling particularly adventurous, David borrowed one of Ben's costume ninja belts and rigged up a swing from the ceiling fan. I think he laughed as Daddy hit his head on it then had to help him back up at 5am on his way to PT.
And after all this, it's still only December 16th, so there's more elf adventures to come. I think David is going to come to Canada with us too.
Our Malia is traveling with us this weekend also! Love your ideas. Thanks for linking up.