This was definitely NOT the week we expected!
Faith and I got home from Girl Scout Camp on Sunday afternoon. On Sunday morning, she had fallen at camp and was quite sore in her upper arm. She was still sore on Monday. She was still sore on Tuesday. By Tuesday, she also couldn't lift up her arm or pick things up, so off to the ER we went, where we discovered she broke her upper humerus when she fell.
Tuesday was also my first day teaching (I teach part-time at a university-model school), so besides a broken kid, I had a brand new job to start. It was a wee bit rough, but the kids seem great and the parents were very understanding of the broken-kid-and-doctor-appointments issues.
Thursday was our first day of homeschool playgroup on base and that seems fairly fun. It's weekly, but it also is on a day I teach, so things are a bit rushed that day too.
What we did accomplish:
- all journal entries
- all handwriting pages
- all spelling work, including tests
- all grammar work, including tests
- all novel study work (Island of the Blue Dolphins & Mr. Popper's Penguins)
- all math work, including tests
- all geography work
- 3/4 of history work
What we did not accomplish:
- last 1/4 of history work because I printed the wrong map
- any science (no printer access)
- this week's book report (also no printer access)
And next week's goal? No broken children!
Oh my! It's good that school still went on. Juggling working and schooling is a big feat.