Make Girl Scout Cookie Crowns

Girl Scout cookie booth sales are a great way to raise money for your Girl Scout troop besides door-to-door sales.  Make your booth stand out in a crowd with some cute crowns for your Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, or even Cadettes to wear!

Our troop is Cadettes and up, so we needed an idea that they would also enjoy.  With a bit of help from my own daughter, I devised a set of Girl Scout Cookie crowns!

What you need:
  • Empty Girl Scout Cookie boxes, different colors
  • Birthday Tiaras (I purchased packs of 4 from the Dollar Tree)
  • Square and circle punches
  • Scissors
  • Hot Glue
The best way to gather up extra cookie boxes?  We saved some from our cookie rally and asked our neighbors to save us theirs from the earliest door-to-door sales.  I also flattened and saved a few from the previous year, knowing we would likely need them.

How to make your own Girl Scout Cookie Crowns:
  • Pull the boxes apart at seam to have one large area to work with.
  • Cut out the cookie name/logo area that is shaped like a trefoil/clover from each box.
  • Using your circle and square punches, cut out pairs of shapes in each color (ie. 2 green or Thin Mint circles, 2 blue or Trefoil squares, etc).
  • Take your birthday tiaras and cut off part of the cardboard design, leaving about an inch or so left to support your new crown design.
  • Cut your trefoil name piece so the bottom will fit against the crown headband.  Hot glue to the center of the cardboard.
  • Use circles and squares on either side of the name piece to hot glue "jewels" to your crown.
  • Let the glue dry and your Girl Scout Cookie crowns are ready to be worn!

I made 8 so we had enough at each cookie booth, mixing and matching the colors of each one.  Everyone who saw them asked about them and our Cadettes were happy to wear them.

We saved them with our Girl Scout Cookie booth materials so we can use them again next year!  A Girl Scout is nothing if not thrifty!

Looking for more cookie booth ideas?

Check out our:
Girl Scout Cookie Box Flowers
Girl Scout Cookie Booth Banner
Girl Scout Cookie Box Stop Sign and Bookmarks
Girl Scout Cookie Goal Flower Poster
