Did you love Strawberry Shorcake as a kid? I did, I even still have my dolls and they still smell a little a like strawberry. I was even more excited that the relaunched the series when Faith was little. We had the bigger dolls, the smaller figures, and most of the movies.
Even though she's a bit older now, we're still a bit excited that they continue to launch new movies for the Strawberry Shortcake series. The newest title is Strawberry Shortcake: Snowberry Days:
‘Tis the season for winter fun in these berry cool Strawberry Shortcake episodes. A fun-filled playtime is interrupted when someone notices that the squirrels are low on supplies in “The Berry Long Winter.” Blueberry’s success with her own specially designed ice skates have the other girls feeling left out in “The Big Freeze.” And Raspberry’s spring fashion show plans are put “On Ice” when cold weather and an out-of-control fountain covers the catwalk fruit-colored ice. Join Strawberry and her berry best friends as they discover working with others ensures a Snowberry good time for everyone.We also loved this cute coloring sheet of the movie cover, isn't it sweet? Just click on the picture to pop up a larger, printable file.
Does your little girl love Strawberry Shortcake too? We're giving away a copy of the new movie, Strawberry Shortcake: Snowberry Days, to one lucky reader.
Use the Rafflecopter below to enter, leaving me a comment telling me who your favorite Strawberry Shortcake character is. My current one is Blueberry Muffin (she's a book lover too).
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: This information, along a copy of Strawberry Shortcake and other goodies, was provided to me as part of my relationship with Fox Home Entertainment Insiders. All opinions expressed are my own.
Blueberry MUFFIN