Army Tales: The Fish Saga, Part 1

Things I have learned this PCS:

When your 11 year old brings his frogs, fish, and snail on your PCS, you make the reasonable decision to pack each of them in a sturdy plastic cup with a lid. And then your husband places each cup in the cup holders of his car. And it is all good because nothing can move or spill.

Except, you are driving through places like Wyoming and Idaho and Utah, all of which are substantially colder. And those cups are on the outside cup holders.

So you arrive at the hotel and the water in the poor fishy and froggie cups are much colder than the recommended 78-82 degrees and the critters don't look like they are moving a lot and the fish might be floating at an angle.

But of course, you have a hysterical 11 year old worried that his friends are dying, so you have to mix hot water with cool water to attempt to adjust the temperatures.  Then you have to drain each cup and put the half-dead critter in a plastic cup while you mix these concoctions with betta cleanser. You then put everything back in their own cups and hope for the best, even though the one frog looks kind of dead and the fish is still kind of on his side.

And in the morning, you learn you are a frog and fish whisperer because everyone is swimming happily in their cups and is looking at you to drop pellets in their cups because they need food.

And everyone is happy, for now ...
